Eloisa James…

I got an email about a month or so ago from Eloisa James.  I kinda did a double-take when I saw that name in my email box.   Ya know…you blink, rub your eyes, check make sure you’d read right…

Yep, I’d read it right.

It was Eloisa James.  Emailing me.  She’d read The Missing, loved it and would be reviewing it in November for her BN column.

I did another double take.  Did I read that right?  Yep.  I’d read it right.  I’ve even got proof…

2 thoughts on “Eloisa James…”

  1. Congratulations, Shiloh! Ms. James obviously has great taste.

    When I first read your post, I flashed on Sally Fields at the Oscars (You love me!). Yes, we do!

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