A Hero Who’s Different

I have a new e-book release coming in May from Samhain, the fourth in my Devils on Horseback series. The name of the book, and the hero, is Lee and he’s a different kind of hero–he’s only got one arm.

When I originally wrote the first book in the series, Nate, I already had all five in my mind. Lee was the wildest of the five, always putting himself in harm’s way, reckless and full of piss and vinegar (so to speak). After he lost most of his left arm, that wildness became bitterness and inside his soul, the lights turned dark.

I have to admit, I struggled with Lee’s story, not only because I had to be aware he only had one arm but because he was a moving target as a hero. What I mean is, he didn’t know himself and so writing it became a journey of discovery for both of us.

The good news is the heroine, Genevieve, was so clear in my mind, she was perfect. Tough, outspoken, strong and stubborn–exactly what the crotchety Lee needed to haul his ass out of the hell he’d been living in.

I just got the cover, which I must say features a very nice looking blond hero. Regardless of what he’s missing, Lee becomes a whole man in the story and I hope y’all like it.