Countdown to Tempt Me Darkness

Happy end of July, everyone! I hope everyone had a great 4th (if you’re in the States) and aren’t sweltering too badly this summer. Okay, maybe you shouldn’t answer that. I know I’m roasting!

But I’m also impatient because, according to the countdown widget on my website, there’s a scant 33 days until the release of TEMPT ME WITH DARKNESS. Lots of exciting stuff happening lately… On Monday, I found out I was reviewed by Publisher’s Weekly, a publishing trade magazine. They said, “This orgasmic paranormal…will keep Black’s fans panting for the next installment.” Yippee!

I’ve also recently created a book video for this release. Okay, I didn’t do it personally. God knows I can barely manage this blog software. Click below to view. I think the designer did a great job!

I’m also running a contest for an advance reading copy of TEMPT ME WITH DARKNESS. Grab the widget (the pretty rectangular box with the cover image that says widget menu at the top) on the paranormal page of my website and place it on your website/MySpace/Facebook/other social networking or reader fan site and I’ll enter your name in the drawing at the end of the month. OR be a new subscriber to my fun, free monthly newsletter or refer a new subscriber. You can see all the details on my contest page.

I’ll see you next month with (hopefully) more news, reviews and contests. In the meantime, stay cool!

So whatcha reading?

I’m heading to Alaska in two weeks.

Yep, two weeks from today.  So far, I plan on taking my sony reader, which has tons of books. Also plan on taking:

  • La Vida Vampire by Nancy Haddock (unless I finish it first)
  • The Iron Hunt by Marjorie M Liu
  • Warrior by Angela Knight
  • Night Echoes by Holly Lisle

But I wouldn’t mind a couple others.  That plan ride is LONG…and although a book kinda needs to be written, I want something to relax with, too.

You got any suggestions?


Driven to Distraction is now available in paperback!

Driven to Distraction by Ashleigh RaineCan I just say YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!?

Jen and I are so thrilled to finally see Driven to Distraction available in print. It seemed like a long road to get it there, but now that it has arrived, good golly, we’re so stoked!!!!!

And the cherry on top of our release day sundae? We have two awesome quotes from authors we love and respect.

“A fabulous talent, Ashleigh Raine never fails to satisfy.”
~Cheyenne McCray, New York Times bestselling author

“Original…erotic…emotional, Driven to Distraction is an absolute must read!”
~Lucy Monroe, national bestselling author

Driven to Distraction is now available online in paperback at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Borders, as well as brick and mortar stores everywhere.

Want to learn more? Read an excerpt: Roadside Attraction, Garage Rendezvous, After Race Romp, Helicopter Stunt

Still want to learn more? Over on my personal blog, I wrote about the various inspirations for the book and the scenes. Come on over and check it out!

Am I the World's Best Blogger?

Um…no. Not even close. It’s the 4th Wednesday of the month. Today is my day. I have a month to think of something witty, pithy and charming to opine about, right? I wonder if I had a century if it would matter. Sometimes topics won’t come to me, and today is one of those days. I’m going to bet that no one cares about my review of the new Get Smart movie. (It was surprisingly good, in case you actually do care.) I’m also going to guess that no one wants to hear a rant from me about the fact it’s already 100 degrees in my neck of the woods, which is going to make for a really hot summer. There’s a lot of that going around the U.S., so I’m sure you’d only ask me if I want some cheese with that whine. I doubt anyone wants to hear about the new PC game I’ve been playing…sometimes when I should be writing. I’m going to make my deadline–I think–so this is just a little recreational stop on the long drive to The End. Before I typed this, I started a blog about what makes a good romance novel hero. But I found myself writing why I seem to like dark, tormented guys who have a hard time sharing themselves (yet oddly, I disliked Graham from the Bachelorette 4 for that very reason). I don’t write guys who are walking Hallmark cards and want to show you their sensitive side. Some readers love that, and I wish I could connect. But I digress… What was the point? Oh, yeah. There really wasn’t one. Damn it.

I know! I’ll apologize profusely for having lame brain today, promise that I’ll try to do better next month and leave you with something I know you WILL want.

Think he needs help? Happy hump day, everyone!

Helping Out

Received via email…


“One of our own, author Jo Leigh (aka Jolie Kramer) lost her husband on June 13 after he courageously battled cancer. If you don’t know their story which is the stuff romance novels are made of, you can read it here and see their wedding picture here.

In addition to being a fabulous friend to so many and a mulit-RITA nominated author who has written for Harlequin Blaze, Temptation, Intrigue, Special Projects, Silhouette Intimate Moments and Meteor Kismet, Jo is known across the country for the amazing writing classes she teaches, including one on plotting that is incomparable. She has been incredibly generous to so many in sharing her knowledge and expertise.

Unfortunately, Jo has been left with a lot of medical expenses she will be struggling to cover as they had no health insurance, and we would like to help her out by holding several fundraising auctions. If you have items to donate – books or book baskets/collections, critiques, ARCs of upcoming releases, mentoring opportunities, web or promotional material design work etc., please email the item description to the following email address: This is the address we’re using to organize the items.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Alison Kent, HelenKay Dimon, Larissa Ione, Stephanie Tyler

**edited to add – We’ve been asked about monetary donations – please email me via my contact page and I’ll email you the paypal address, if this is how you wish to help Jo.

We’ve already covered a lot of loops and groups, but if you’d like to post it where you haven’t seen it, or put it up on your blog, that would be wonderful.”


Happy Friday the 13th!

Growing up, I remember being told of the Friday the 13th superstitions. My mom would kiss me before I left for school and tell me to take extra special care that day. I recall it being a big deal among my elementary school friends, and we’d dare each other to do silly things on Friday the 13th, things to tempt the fates into smiting us down for thumbing our noses at whatever might befall us on such an unlucky day.

As I got older, I took delight in being different (yeah, not much of a surprise there), so I decided that Friday the 13th was going to be my lucky day. Only good things would happen to me. Whether my beliefs were just that strong, or this was a self-fulfilling prophecy, throughout the years Friday the 13th is always the day wonderful things happen.

It started small. I got high grades on tests I took on Friday the 13th. Since I was normally a good student, it wasn’t really a leap that I’d get good grades on tests taken that day. But I chalked it up to my personal good luck day. I found $20 on the ground one Friday the 13th. Good luck for me, not so much for the poor sap who lost it. I’ve won contests on Friday the 13th. I’ve found items I’ve wanted on sale for practically nothing, again on Friday the 13th.

On a Friday the 13th a couple years ago Ashleigh Raine signed with our first agent. Coincidence? Nope, I believe in my personal Friday the 13th good luck fairy. She hasn’t let me down yet.

So what am I doing this Friday the 13th? I’m starting my vacation. When I began making my vacation plans a year ago, I looked at the calendar and knew I had to start my vacation full of good luck, so what better day than my favorite day? I’ll be spending the day driving up the California Coast, then spending the night exploring the haunts of the Winchester Mystery House, on one of their special Friday the 13th tours.

And I think I’ll buy a lottery ticket too. 🙂

So what are you doing to celebrate Friday the 13th/good luck day?

Shoes, Salsa and Margaritas

Why yes…. yes, they do have something in common.

Friday night, I was in Cincinnati at Lori Foster & Dianne Castell’s yearly reader and writer get together.

Several other AM authors were there…Anya, Lauren, & Beth, but the event was so crowded, I didn’t have much chance to talk with them.

I kept running into people I haven’t seen in ages.


Like the owner of these shoes, Nikki. I ran into Nikki and Ann, friends I met a few years ago through KYRW, my local RWA chapter.

I haven’t hit the chapter meetings too regularly and more or less lost contact with these ladies. Then I see Nikki, recognized her right off. Didn’t recognize Ann so easily, hair was different, she looked like she’d lost weight. 🙂

That Friday night, we ended up over at the restaurant across the street, because some evil soul told me that they have margaritas. By the pitcher.

Yes. The pitcher.

Have I mentioned I love margaritas?

And salsa? Totally love both.

Anyway, we spent about…uh… three..maybe four? hours there. Some reader friends of mine, Ang and Diane, and then one of my best friends, Anni (who was late), Sue with Borders, Tina, Ann and of course, the shoe queen, Nikki.

(Nikki has this thing for shoes that is almost scary.)

We talked books. A few people complimented my hat. (No, I didn’t steal it from Lora, she gave it to me). We ate lots of salsa, I drank too many margaritas. We talked taekwondo, we talked books, Nikki talked shoes, we talked books. We ate more salsa, drank more margaritas. More or less closed the place down.

It’s fun reconnecting with friends. 🙂

Now…of course, I could also tell you about Saturday. How Bad Barb threw coffee on me**, then some of us, including some very nice ladies from a book club in Indianapolis, closed down the restaurant again. 😉 Much fun was had…

Picture of Nikki’s shoes found via Barbara Vey’s PW blog here.

**Yes, Barb did throw coffee on me…sort of…but…well, it was an accident. It’s just more fun to tell people she’s abusing authors again, since she so loves to do it.

For a chance to win one of the three prizes, just check out the link.

da prizes

(three winners)

  • One $50 GC to Barnes & Noble

  • One $15 GC to Barnes & Noble

  • One $10 GC to

Details here.