Endless Heart is out in the wild!

I’m pleased to announce the book 3 in my Heart series, ENDLESS HEART, is out in the wild in ebook! Yipee!! This was a very emotional book for me, full of intensity and two characters who spent their time making sure everyone knew just how rotten they were.

I took Lettie and Shane, wounded souls without much to say for themselves, and brought them together. They were definitely the most damaged couple I had but honestly, for Lettie, she had to find someone who could sit at the bottom of the barrel with her. Otherwise she couldn’t love him. Her man had to know what suffering was and Shane sure as heck did.

I threw in some mysticism, plenty of tears, hot scenes between Lettie and Shane, and a few familiar characters along with a few new. I helped them fall in love, but I also helped them forgive themselves and become the people they wanted to be.

The product warning for the book says it all…

Get ready for a deep, intense love story that will leave you crying, cheering, shouting, squirming and sighing. Prepare for a hero who needs to be held, a heroine who needs to be loved, and a story that needs to be told.

I’ve got a bunch of excerpts on my blog for your reading pleasure. You can pick up a copy at Samhain Publishing for 30% off until midnight on Monday, June 4th!

And the cover? What can I say? Scott Carpenter is a genius – the cover is amazing. 🙂