Category Archives: Shiloh Walker

Being Lazy…excerpt-PLAYING FOR KEEPS

Okay, so I’ve got a million things I need to get done today…like on, say a visit to the accoutant.  Just to check a few things, not the REAL visit, not yet.

Still, my brain freezes when somebody says that word, when I have to go see one.  Taking my frozen brain into account, instead of thinking up something really witty to say, I’m just going to post an excerpt from the ebook that came out yesterday..hope you enjoy!

The ebook is now available from Samhain~ more than likely this will go into print at some point, just not sure when.

Word of warning…this is definitely one of my more erotic romance, however it’s also got some tear-jerker moments.

Continue reading Being Lazy…excerpt-PLAYING FOR KEEPS

Madness and insanity…

We have more than a passing acquaintance, especially lately.

Finishing up edits on a book, getting one book ready to send off, working on two others…shudder.

Anyway, since I’m rushed and running behind as always, I’m just going to post about the new book I’ve got coming out from Samhain in January, Playing for Keeps.

From Samhain Publishing~

Jacob has always been part of Dana Cochran’s life. They’ve lived next door to each other for years, they’ve dated on and off and now they both see each other through work. But their timing has just never been right, and when Dana invites Jacob over to play with her and Mason Caldwell…things get complicated.

Doctor Jacob McCoy loves Dana. So much so, that he’s even willing to share her with Mason Caldwell. But a red-hot threesome isn’t all that Jacob wants from Dana.

When tragedy strikes their fledging relationship, Jacob has to convince Dana that pushing him away isn’t the answer. He wants to be in her life forever. And some things are worth fighting for.

Warning: This title contains scenes of a woman being made very happy by two hot men, and enough emotion to have you reaching for the Kleenex.

Buy a book…save the world…

What’s this, you say?
It’s a brilliant idea that will solve every problem in the world. Forever…
Well, not really. But if you’re here, chances are you are a reader. Which means going out and buying one book can make a difference.

Found over at Alison Kent’s blog who found it via Editorial Lass.

For anyone who cares about the book publishing industry and wants to do their part, there’s one simple action step:

Buy a book this weekend.

Just buy one.

Buy your sister a book instead of a sweater for her birthday; buy your friend who can’t even make toast or boil water a beginner’s cookbook; buy your company’s receptionist a novel you liked because most people probably ignore him/her (it’s always a her, though, isn’t it?) and you’ll make his/her day.

Buy your holiday gifts now. Instead of a CD for your brother, buy him a book on his favorite recording artist.

Instead of going to the library this one week buy the book you were going to read–it might only be a difference of a couple of bucks in the end. One day this week, make a peanut butter sandwich, skip going out for lunch, and buy a paperback.


It doesn’t matter what. It doesn’t have to be a literary fiction hardcover. If could be a $5.99 mass market nutrition guide, a $4.99 young reader chapter book, a Harlequin romance. Your money will still prevent returns of other books (…) Even if it’s not by your favorite author or your favorite publishing house, your favorites will be indirectly affected.

It doesn’t matter where. Sure, buying at the chains will help against the returns, but you can help out the publisher with your purchase no matter how you get it, even on the internet.

So go find a shiny, pretty new book to buy.  Whether it’s $5 bucks on a new paperback at the local discount store or $25 on a book at the local bookstore, buy a new book.  It might seem weird, but if enough people pick up just one or two new books over the holiday season, it can make one big difference.  And just in case you’d like a recommendation… *G* You could pick up The Missing at any of these fine establishments.




Barnes & Noble

Eloisa James…

I got an email about a month or so ago from Eloisa James.  I kinda did a double-take when I saw that name in my email box.   Ya know…you blink, rub your eyes, check make sure you’d read right…

Yep, I’d read it right.

It was Eloisa James.  Emailing me.  She’d read The Missing, loved it and would be reviewing it in November for her BN column.

I did another double take.  Did I read that right?  Yep.  I’d read it right.  I’ve even got proof…

A Red Door


When I was a kid, I used to tell my parents I wanted to be a writer.

I told my mom when I was rich and famous, I’d buy her a yellow house with a red door.

I haven’t exactly achieved any major level of fame that I can tell. I’m not rich. So far, that yellow house is still just a dream.

A few months ago, I dropped by my mom’s work. I was taking her something or just swinging by to say hi. I can’t remember.

What I do remember was on my way out, she stopped me and said, “I’m really proud of you. Of you four kids, you’re the one who chased your dreams. You knew what you wanted and you went after it.”

Mom…I’m still going after that yellow house.

Vicious Vixen

Releasing Tuesday, 8/12/08, in ebook from Samhain Publishing.

He’s given one chance at redemption—hers and his.

Hired killer, Vixen Markham doesn’t have any illusions about life or love. Unable to trust even the one man she lets into her heart, she makes a decision that she’ll regret for the rest of her life—which won’t be much longer by the looks of things. Loaded with vengeance and a small arsenal of weapons, she’s ready to face up to her past and say goodbye to her future, until she’s confronted by a pair of eyes she could never forget.

Graeme Mackenzie Lawson lived a hard life. Hard on himself and harder on those who got in his way. Betrayed and murdered, he’s given one chance at redemption—but not for himself—for the woman he loved, the woman who killed him.

Can he keep Vixen safe, when she seems determined to lose her life—and her soul?

Warning: the following contains violence, hot sex and one vicious vixen.

Excerpt below the cut…

Continue reading Vicious Vixen