Tag Archives: Witness Protection

It Happened On The Way To Trial

Stories abound about drastic circumstances changing people’s lives. Poor choices easily lead to a wrong path, but what if a poor choice, or series of them, put someone on the right path? Even a path to redemption?


In TASTE ME DEADLY, Greycen Craig became the person living that life. Her choices put her in the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right one depending on the viewpoint, and she found herself in Witness Protection with no choice but to get her life on track. Regrets motivated her to make better, safer, choices. And then she read a newspaper article that upended her life again. Little did she know that stepping into a hospital room to see the sister she’d left behind would threaten more than her life.

As a writer, much like life, every story holds new challenges. Often the challenge lies in finding the one person who accepts us for who we are, who we were and who we could be. The excitement of exploring that kind of love is what drew me to romance as a reader, and then encouraged me to write a story of my own.

I love to hear from and chat with readers, so I hope you’ll find me on Facebook or Twitter where I chat, share contests and much more. Currently, on Facebook, I’m sharing cover glimpses with some fun quotes and excerpts fromĀ TASTE ME DEADLY. Swing by!