Heard a cool quote on the radio

cross posted from my personal blog

Heading back from Ohio last night, I heard a cool quote on the radio. Can’t remember exactly WHO said it, or how it was worded…but the basic idea was…


The guy was talking about how much focus western civilization puts on the ‘ideal’.
Women must be a size six or under to be considered the ‘normal’ ideal of beautiful, or at least that’s what media leads us to believe. Men must be ripped, buff, big and tall to be consider sexy.

To both of those ideas, I say bull. Beauty is more than skin deep. Sexy goes way deeper than looks. Looks can help…but if the guy is a jerk, his sex appeal drops so quickly, it would make the stock market look like it’s sitting pretty. If a woman is beautiful, but shallow and cruel, she’s not really all the beautiful to me.

Image, in the long run, doesn’t matter all that much. Because it doesn’t last. Decency, strength of character, compassion, honor… those things matter.


That quote just really stuck with me, and I wanted to share.

Book Signing and Countdown

Two big events coming up for me y’all. The first is my first book signing at a Barnes & Noble. I’ve done signings at conferences, at BAM, at Borders and at Waldenbooks, but never at B&N. I’m jazzed!

Here are the details – if you are anywhere near Raleigh, please come see me! I’ll be signing Devils on Horseback: Jake.

Saturday, February 7 from 1 to 3 pm

Barnes & Noble, Brier Creek Commons, 8431 Brier Creek Parkway, Raleigh, NC 27617, 919-484-9903

I’m signing with four lovely ladies from my local RWA group, HCRW, including Jenna Black, Claudia Dain, Cindy Holby, and Deb Marlowe.

Second big news! February 24th is a big day for me, a HUGE day. It’s the official “street date” of The Education of Madeline my very first Kensington Brava book, my first New York published book!

I am beside myself with excitement, if you can’t already tell, and when I received a box of copies… I held one close, smelled it, felt it and marveled over my creation. Sounds corny and a bit odd, but I worked so hard to get here, I am reveling in the feeling. 🙂

I couldn’t have gotten here, of course, without the support and encouragement of others. First off, my DH, my wonderful sister, my parents, my kids and my in-laws. They are all amazing cheerleaders and know when I’m on a deadline to leave me the hell alone. Second, my editors, Sasha, L2 and Kate – all fantastic ladies who I respect a great deal. I’ve learned different things from each, and together they’ve brought me here.

A great big huge thank you to all the readers who also helped me get here. Without readers, are we really authors? LOL. So thank you, thank you, thank you!

FRAGILE…releases 2.3.09


“I’ve got enough complications just with my day to day life, Luke. I’ve got a bad feeling you’re a complication I don’t need.”

“Actually,” he murmured, catching her hand and lifted it to his lips. He pressed a kiss to the inside of her palm and watched her from under his lashes. “I think I’m exactly the kind of complication you do need.”

A slow, almost reluctant smile curved her lips. “You’re pretty damn full of yourself,” she said quietly.

Luke shrugged. “Not so much. I just know what I see. You’ve got sad eyes, Devon. You look like a woman who spends way too much time alone. You look like a woman who doesn’t smile enough. Whatever is complicating your life, it isn’t making you happy.”

She eased away and the caution he’d been waiting for finally appeared, darkening her eyes. “Complications aren’t there to make you happy.”

“The good ones should. Not every complication has to be the bad kind,” he murmured. Some of her hair had slipped free from her clip and Luke reached up, caught one thick lock. It was every bit as soft as he’d thought it would be and it curled around his fingers. He wanted to pull that clip out of her hair and see all those long curls fall around her shoulders and her back-wanted to see her naked with all that hair spread out on his pillow. But he just rubbed the curl between his fingers and watched her face. “Sometimes the best things in life come from complications.”

“Really?” Devon asked, smirking. “All the complications I’ve had in my life had pretty much sucked. I haven’t yet had one bring me much of anything but trouble or grief.” Her voice was flat and vacant, her eyes little more than a void.

His heart clenched inside his chest. “Then give me a chance to show just how much fun a complication can be,” he said, keeping his voice light and easy. “Let me show you I’m really not an asshole.”

It was sheer stupidity that made her agree. It had to be. Because Devon couldn’t think of any other reason she would grudgingly say okay. Or any other reason she’d give him her phone number.

She started digging in her purse, looking for the black day planner she carried around for notes, reminders and her million appointments. But it wasn’t in there. Weird… That organizer went everywhere with her. Glancing at him from the corner of her eye, she said, “I can’t find anything to write on. You got a piece of paper?”

“No. But I don’t need it. Just tell me.”

Feeling just a little snarky, she thought spitefully, That works. With any luck, you’ll lose it. But as she repeated her number, she had a feeling she’d be hearing from him.

Very soon.

Yet as disgruntled as she was, when he dipped his head to kiss her again, she felt her heart skip a beat or two. When he traced the outline of her lips with his tongue, it skipped a few more beats. As Luke deepened the kiss, slanting his mouth over hers and pushing his tongue inside her mouth, she thought her heart just might stop altogether.

Then he put his hands on her. Gently. One resting on the curve of her waist, the other cupping the back of her head and her heart went into overtime, slamming away merrily within her chest. The taste of him, the feel of him, the strength and the warmth…damn, she’d gone so many years without this and never thought she was missing out on all that much.

She’d been wrong.

Easing a little closer, she opened her mouth a little wider and leaned into him. His body was long, muscled and lanky. Restless, she circled her hips against his. Something powerful, demanding, moved through her. She dug her fingers into his arms-

And then he was gone, pulling away so abruptly, she wobbled a little, hot, hungry and off balance. Her head buzzed from the heat of him, the taste of him. Blinking, she looked at him.

He reached up, brushed his fingers over her lips and then turned her around, nudged her to her car. “I’ll call you,” he murmured against her ear.

A little dazed, she climbed into her car and ending up sitting there for a good five minutes. Devon might have sat there even longer if she hadn’t glanced out the window and saw him standing under a streetlight five feet away, watching her.

Shoving her key into the ignition, she started the car and pulled away without looking at him again. Of course, it didn’t matter if she looked at him again or not-the sight of him, how he’d looked at her, his eyes hungry, intent, it was imprinted on her memory.

Just like the taste of him.

Just like the feel of him.

“A complication…” She mumbled as she hit the highway and headed home.

You can read another excerpt at my site.


Happy Birthday to Me

So it’s that day of the year I get to celebrate being a year older. Whopee… 🙄 But as my dad says, “You want to be another year older or you want the pine box?” Okay, put like that, another year older sounds great. 😆

As a birthday present, the lovely people at Amazon.com have made my second Doomsday Brethren title, SEDUCE ME IN SHADOW, available for pre-order! The book is out September 29, but you can make sure you don’t miss the next adventure now! If you haven’t started the series yet, TEMPT ME WITH DARKNESS, the first of the Doomsday Brethren titles, is out now!

Other than that, I’ll be writing today. Still trying to finish Doomsday Brethren 3, POSSESS ME AT MIDNIGHT. And I’ll be sticking near my phone. My father-in-law has been in critical condition for nearly a week. I’m hoping we see improvement soon, but every day seems to be something different. Then tonight, looks like we’ll be going to the local hibachi place for dinner. Weather is nasty today, so we’ll just have to see.

In the meantime, here’s a little something I can share with you. Enjoy!


Say hello to Jake

Today is release day for the print version of Devils on Horseback: Jake.

*cue the band*

Say hello to Jake. 😀 I’m pleased to see Jake’s book in print, and hope you all fall in love with him as much as I did. Following book 1, Nate, this follows the men from Brier Creek Georgia as they create a new life for themselves after the Civil War. For Jake, his new life is on hold as he struggles to overcome his personal demons. For Gabby, the woman who becomes his heart, she fights her own struggles and to keep the love she’s found with the redheaded thief named Jake.

Ladies and gents, I give you Devils on Horseback: Jake.

Haunted by war, a thief finds salvation in the arms of an angel.

On the surface, Jake Sheridan is an easygoing man whose problems roll off him like water off a duck’s back. Truth is, Jake holds so many past demons inside him, he daren’t let them out for fear he’ll never get them all back in.

He and the Devils are hired to help rebuild a town ransacked by marauders. Everywhere they turn, they encounter secrets—enough secrets to turn the town to dust if they don’t uncover the truth.

Only one person in town isn’t glad to see them: Gabrielle Rinaldi, the miller’s daughter. A strong and independent woman who is used to being disrespected for speaking her mind, she makes no secret that she doesn’t believe hired guns are the answer to the town’s woes. Yet she finds herself drawn to the enigmatic and charming Jake.

In spite of himself, Jake falls hard and fast for Gabby. But she’s wary of handing her heart to a man who lives by his guns.

When tragedy strikes, Jake and Gabby must fight to find a way to save the town—and their hearts.


Jake found himself fascinated by Gabrielle Rinaldi. Gabby. The way the sun danced across her light olive skin as she sat next to the window, the way she gave Elmer an effusive hug when they came in. She ate with gusto, not like a Southern “lady” who picked at her food. Gabby was all woman, full of life. Jake was drawn to her like a flower to the sun, thirsting for the brightness she gave off.

He kept his eye on Zeke and Allison. She was a shy little thing who barely lifted her eyes and that was only to look at Zeke. He appeared to be equally as taken with the petite woman as she was with him. Jake hoped she was amenable for Zeke to court her, because Jake would bet the two nickels in his pocket it was going to happen. Too bad she was the minister’s daughter, which might put a pinch on a budding romance.

Gabby kept glancing at the blonde couple as well, almost as much as Jake looked at the luscious black-haired beauty. She laughed with her whole body, a hearty laugh that echoed in the empty restaurant. Jake’s heart squeezed each time she smiled. He wanted to kick his own ass for acting like such an idiot, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. She’d become an addiction so quickly it made his head spin.

“Jake, are you listening to me?” Gideon elbowed him in the ribs.

Jake almost jumped out of the chair. “No, I wasn’t.”

Everyone laughed and he couldn’t help but grin at Gabby. She raised one dark eyebrow and didn’t say a word to him. He couldn’t be certain if she was flirting with him or not, a fact that annoyed and excited him. Women were generally not immune to his charm, as evidenced by the experiences he’d had with the fairer sex. Jake discovered early that making a woman feel beautiful and desired provided a more than pleasant method to getting what he wanted. The truth was, Jake loved women of all shapes and sizes. Each one had her own unique charm and scent. It was one of the first things he noticed as a young, strapping fifteen-year-old in the backroom of the saloon he worked at—the scent of a woman was intoxicating.

Gabby’s scent would be the last thing he remembered and the first thing he thought of each day. She didn’t wear perfume, rather it was a mix of woman, flour, fresh air and her. Fascinating to say the least. Jake sat next to her at the table as they ate the simple ham sandwiches and drank lemonade. Each time she took a drink, Jake watched, and hungered.

He wanted to taste her lips, feel her tongue on his as they shared the tart flavor left in her mouth. Jake shifted on the chair, realizing his usually calm dick had woken with a vengeance and strained at the buttons of his trousers. He needed to stop fantasizing about Gabby and work on charming her, because judging by the frown on her face when she glanced at him, he had a ways to go.

“How long have you lived in Tanger, Miss Delmont?” Zeke sat straight and tall across from Allison.

“All my life.” The blonde looked up from her plate at Zeke. “When Gabby moved to town we were inseparable from the first minute we met. My mama used to say we were like salt and pepper.” Her face paled, apparently at the memory of her mother.

Zeke reached over and put his hand over hers, completely covering her tiny one. “I lost my parents too. It’s never easy to talk about them. I understand completely.” He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.

Jake nearly swallowed his tongue. Zeke was acting so unlike his normal self, it was almost scary.

“What the hell’s gotten into you, Zeke?” Lee could always be counted on to be brutally honest. “You sick or something?”

Zeke scowled at his brother. “Watch your language around the ladies.”

“Sure thing, Ezekiel,” Lee taunted. Calling the Blackwood brothers by their hated Biblical names never failed to rile them.

Zeke stood, knocking his chair back. “Don’t ruin this day too, Cornelius. It was going along right fine until you opened your mouth.” His cool glare pinned Lee. “Apologize to the ladies.”

The air hummed with tension as the brothers stared each other down. Lee was the one to turn away, to glare at Gabby then at Allison.

“You’d best make your choices wisely, brother.” Lee snatched the sandwich off his plate and stormed out of the restaurant, slamming the door behind him.

After his footsteps faded away, Jake glanced at Zeke, who was still standing like a statue in a park. It was Allison, however, who saved the moment from utter disaster.

“Please sit down, Mr. Blackwood. It’s all right. I’m sure your brother didn’t mean any harm.” Her gracious tone worked on Zeke like nothing else ever had. His face softened and he sat back down without punching a thing.

Jake choked on his lemonade.

Gabby slapped him on the back until Jake held up one finger. “Thank you, Miss Rinaldi. I will be forever in your debt.”

Allison laughed while Gabby fought back a grin. “You are a charming fool, Mr. Sheridan.”

“Jake. Please call me Jake.” He smiled, his heart doing a somersault when she smiled back.

“All right then, please call me Gabby.”

At that moment, over the sandwich crumbs and the lemon seeds, Jake slid from being fascinated into being just a bit in love.


A Month's Worth of News!

So insanely busy right now, but all for a very good reason!

I got my cover for my August Berkley Heat release – Laid Bare

Coming August 4 from Berkley Heat

Unexpected Desire…

It’s been ten years since clean-cut, sexy-as-hell police officer Todd Keenan had a white-hot fling with Erin Brown, the provocative, wild rocker chick next door. Their power exchange in the bedroom got under his skin. But love wasn’t in the cards just yet…

Now, life has thrown the pair back together. But picking up where they left off is tough, in light of a painful event from Erin’s past. As Todd struggles to earn her trust, their relationship takes an unexpected and exciting turn when Todd’s best friend, Ben, ends up in their bed—and all three are quite satisfied in this relationship without a name. As the passion they share transforms Erin, will it be enough to help her face the evil she thought she had left behind?

I’m totally over the moon about this cover!

And this from Publisher’s Marketplace from last week:

Lauren Dane’s untitled sequel to the author’s upcoming title, Laid Bare, to Leis Pederson at Berkley Heat, in a nice deal, for publication in January 2010, by Laura Bradford at Bradford Literary Agency.

So lots of good news. I’m writing this book right now, doing copy edits for Laid Bare and working on first round edits for Always for Samhain and my next chapter for No Reservations so I’m crazy insane, still…productive and grateful.

Get ready for a wild weekend!


Do I have to warn you this story’s hot? Or that the three people on the cover will share more than tanning lotion? This book releases on Friday—just in time for the weekend! Be sure to read the bottom of this blog to find out how you can enter the contest for two great prize packages!


Jane wants Bruno…Bruno wants Cord…Cord wants Jane…but can everyone get what they really want?

Jane, fresh from a breakup, decides to seduce Bruno, one of the firemen next door, to restore her shattered confidence. But the trap she sets is sprung instead by his best friend, Cord. After she flees in embarrassment, Bruno makes a proposition too wicked for any good girl to consider, but how can she refuse the chance at not one, but two strapping firemen?

Bruno’s shared women with Cord before, but decides to use Cord’s attraction to Jane to break down his defenses for the ultimate threesome. Cord thinks he knows how this little tryst will go down, but he’s seduced into allowing Bruno intimacies this hetero guy has never before considered.


Check out my blog for details about the contest! When you post here you are automatically entered. And follow this link to read an excerpt: Jane’s Wild Weekend

Being Lazy…excerpt-PLAYING FOR KEEPS

Okay, so I’ve got a million things I need to get done today…like on, say a visit to the accoutant.  Just to check a few things, not the REAL visit, not yet.

Still, my brain freezes when somebody says that word, when I have to go see one.  Taking my frozen brain into account, instead of thinking up something really witty to say, I’m just going to post an excerpt from the ebook that came out yesterday..hope you enjoy!

The ebook is now available from Samhain~ more than likely this will go into print at some point, just not sure when.

Word of warning…this is definitely one of my more erotic romance, however it’s also got some tear-jerker moments.

Continue reading Being Lazy…excerpt-PLAYING FOR KEEPS

New Year, Fresh Start

Did you hear cheers and hollers on December 28? That wasn’t New Year’s celebrations starting early. That was Lisa and I celebrating sending our book off to our editor. After many delays–all our fault–we finally finished our book, and what a relief it was. We were able to celebrate the New Year in style, knowing that come 2009 we were going to be starting a brand-new project.

I love those words. Brand-new project. They encompass so many possibilities. There’s a certain amount of freedom–and yes, fear–in staring at the blank page, wondering what words are going to fill it. We have so many ideas, so much we want to write. This year we hope to increase our production. We don’t want to be one-book-a-year authors, and we’re hoping to remedy that. We’re going to try things a little different and see if it increases our production. We’re going to work on multiple projects at once. I know that works for a lot of people, and it worked for us in the past when we first started writing, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed that it works for us again.

So this week we’ve begun fleshing out the outlines, character sketches, etc., for three projects: Eternal Talisman–which we started writing years ago, and now we’re looking at it with fresh eyes and deciding what to keep and what to rewrite; the next novel in our Hollywood Heat series, and a novella we’re submitting for an anthology project. Three completely different stories with vibrant casts of characters that I’m excited to spend more time with.

Hopefully this time next year we’ll be celebrating the completion and publication of all of the above. Wish us luck!

To resolve or not to resolve

Happy New Year y’all!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Mine was pretty good I have to say. Christmas with my in-laws and New Year’s with my parents.

Of course one of the topics of conversation was resolutions – the New Year wouldn’t be complete without them, hm? So, I thought about what I wanted to accomplish in 2009 and decided they weren’t actually resolutions, but rather promises to me.

What I learned about myself was that if I set myself up for very specific resolutions, I tended not to achieve them. So my promises are a bit wider and allow me to keep the promise without feeling like a failure – a common occurrence with resolutions for me.

2009 Promises by Beth

  • Write every day, even if it’s only 5 words
  • Read more
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep away from foods I shouldn’t eat (food allergies)
  • Be happy

Not an extensive list but promises I intend to keep, or I will be the one disappointed. What do you think? Promises or resolutions?