Merry Christmas Eve!

I’ve been traveling and am now fighting off a lovely holiday cold, so I am a woman of few words today. But I would like to take the time to wish everyone a great holiday season and a wonderful 2009! I’m very grateful for all the bounties of 2008 and hope my readers enjoyed my releases this year. I think you’ll be happy with next year’s releases.

And in case  you wanted to bypass the heartfelt sentiments, just crawl on Santa’s lap and tell him what you REALLY want.

Come to think of it, I’m sure I have a last minute request or two… Have a wonderful holiday season!

Lotsa Stuff Going On!

So just two weeks ago, Undercover released from Berkley Heat. It’s been a wild and wonderful ride – the book got a Top Pick from RT Magazine, has been given lots of ribbons and stars and even a recommended read and I heard last week that it made the Borders and Barnes and Noble Best Seller lists too.  I’ve been so overwhelmed with the response, it’s been a truly wonderful time.


A sexy debut exploring an erotic future universe of passion, danger, and deceit

On the battleground or in the bedroom, one woman and two men fight for dominance in a bold, new, and excitingly different direction in erotica…

As a lieutenant of the Federation military, Sera Ayers is accustomed to giving orders, not taking them. Now she must obey the one man she can’t stand—and can’t stop thinking about.

With the enemy Imperialists gaining ground, a covert team is assembled by Ash Walker. Ten years before, Sera had lovingly submitted to Ash’s dominance in the bedroom. But when he was forced into a political marriage, she refused to play mistress. His marriage now over, Ash wants Sera on his team—and back in his bed.

The third team member, Brandt Pela, has an elegance to match Ash’s savage sexuality. And when their undercover plan requires Sera to pose as Brandt’s lover, it ignites a passion among the three of them more dangerous than their mission.

And next week, Sweet Charity will release from Samhain! Sweet Charity takes readers back to Davis where they met Bell and Rafe last December. This time, we get Gabriel Bettencourt’s story (Rafe’s brother) and he’s met his match in his long time friend, Charity Harris…


A bad boy is about to find out just how naughty a good girl can be.

After eight long years of pretending a horrible one-night stand hadn’t happened and wondering if it had been her fault, Charity Harris has finally coaxed handsome bad boy and lifelong friend, Gabriel Bettencourt, back into her bed. It’s not just good, it’s fanfreakingtastic! Trouble is, he’s persisting with his story about not wanting a relationship and not being good enough for her even as their friendship blooms into something looking a lot like love.

Gabriel has ached to make Charity his for years, and finally having her in his bed, not just enduring but enjoying his darker urges is more than he’d ever imagined it could be. Despite what she says, he knows she deserves candlelight and roses, not candle wax and ropes. He’ll enjoy her while he can and let go when she finds the right man.

Charity knows Gabriel’s game and she’s not having any of it. A man can like it rough in bed and still be good and kind. He’s exactly the kind of man she wants to marry and she will. She loves him and she knows he loves her and she’s not taking no for an answer.

So when he runs off “to think” just after Christmas, it’s up to her to let him know that good girls can like it dark and rough and bad boys can be good men.

In addition, my and Jaci’s Holiday Seduction featuring her Unwrapped and my To Do List came out in print in late November and Wolf Unbound is finally out in print in january!  Lots of books coming your way!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week – I’m wishing you all the happiest of holidays and I’ll see you all in January.

Madness and insanity…

We have more than a passing acquaintance, especially lately.

Finishing up edits on a book, getting one book ready to send off, working on two others…shudder.

Anyway, since I’m rushed and running behind as always, I’m just going to post about the new book I’ve got coming out from Samhain in January, Playing for Keeps.

From Samhain Publishing~

Jacob has always been part of Dana Cochran’s life. They’ve lived next door to each other for years, they’ve dated on and off and now they both see each other through work. But their timing has just never been right, and when Dana invites Jacob over to play with her and Mason Caldwell…things get complicated.

Doctor Jacob McCoy loves Dana. So much so, that he’s even willing to share her with Mason Caldwell. But a red-hot threesome isn’t all that Jacob wants from Dana.

When tragedy strikes their fledging relationship, Jacob has to convince Dana that pushing him away isn’t the answer. He wants to be in her life forever. And some things are worth fighting for.

Warning: This title contains scenes of a woman being made very happy by two hot men, and enough emotion to have you reaching for the Kleenex.

Devils on Horseback: Zeke is Now Available in eBook!

Who’s ready for another spoonful of cowboy? Or perhaps it’s a handful? 😉

I’m proud to announce the third book in my Devils on Horseback series, Zeke, is available in e-book today, December 2.

*cues the fireworks*

Zeke was by far the most intense devil in the group of five men. He’s raw, introverted and has a spine made of pure steel.

That doesn’t mean he’s not vulnerable and hurting inside so badly he crawls into a whiskey bottle.

Devils on Horseback: Zeke is a story about forgiving oneself and learning to accept your own flaws. It’s also a story about healing.

You can read an excerpt here.

Read what the reviewers are already saying…

“Devils on Horseback – Zeke held me in its grip from the minute I opened it. Zeke is so wounded, so raw, and so appealing that I just couldn’t put the book down.” ~ 5 Angels from Fallen Angels Reviews

“I love this series and Devils on Horseback – Zeke has cemented that fondness!” ~ 4.5 Nymphs from Literary Nymphs Reviews

You can pick up a copy today at the following websites:

My Bookstore and More


Books on Board

For Jo Leigh

Author Jo Leigh lost her husband this year to cancer. Theirs was a story of reunited lovers worthy of a romance novel. The loss of her husband hit her hard, both emotionally and financially. (authors are self-employed, so often have no medical insurance.)

In an effort to raise money to help her pay off those medical debts, the romance community has once again banded together to support one of their own and an auction is being held. This is a wonderful way to purchase gifts for yourself or a loved one. 🙂

Check out all the wonderful items here:

I’ve donated:

  • two Marked series coffee mugs, a Tor Books keychain that lights up when squeezed, an autographed ARC of EVE OF DARKNESS (April 28, 2009), and some surprises
  • a tote bag with an autographed coverflat and ARC of IN THE FLESH (June 2, 2009).

Please spread the word about the auction to any loops, forums, etc. that you might be on.


Happy Thanksgiving

For those in the US, Thanksgiving is just a day away. I ran across the other day and though it was too hysterical not to share… Enjoy!

18 Things you can say only at Thanksgiving
1. Talk about a huge breast!

2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.

3. It’s Cool Whip time!

4. If I don’t undo my pants, I’ll burst!

5. That’s one terrific spread!

6. I’m in the mood for a little dark meat.

7. Are you ready for seconds yet?

8. It’s a little dry, do you still want to eat it?

9. Just wait your turn, you’ll get some!

10. Don’t play with your meat.

11. Just spread the legs open and stuff it in.

12. Do you think you’ll be able to handle all these people at once?

13. I didn’t expect everyone to come at once!

14. You still have a little bit on your chin.

15. How long will it take after you stick it in?

16. You’ll know it’s ready when it pops up.

17. Wow, I didn’t think I could handle all of that!

18. That’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen!

Everyone have a great Turkey day. Even with all the economic upheaval these days, I still have a lot to be thankful for, and when times aren’t their best, it’s great to focus on what you DO have. At least that’s my mission tomorrow, along with enjoying my friends and connecting with family, who couldn’t make the trip. I hope you’re surrounded by friends and family and good things tomorrow too!

Shayla Black

Lover's Talisman–Now available in paperback!

Lover's Talisman by Ashleigh Raine

Originally released in 2003, Lover’s Talisman is back and better than ever. When Lisa and I had the chance to tackle this book again, we had several more years of writing knowledge under our belt, so we put on our rewriting and revising hats and polished the heck out of Lover’s Talisman. We loved getting a second chance to work on this book, to spend time with these characters who we love and adore. We are so damn proud of this story now–and we hope the readers enjoy spending time in Talisman Bay as much as we do.

And what makes this day even more special is that Jaci Burton, one of the coolest damn authors on the planet, gave us an incredibly awesome cover quote.

“Pulse-pounding suspense, riveting action, demons around every corner and smokin’ hot sex, Lover’s Talisman has it all. I loved this book!”

Could we get any luckier? Jaci rawks!

Lisa and I hope you’ll fall in love with the Shadow Walkers–like we have–and check out Lover’s Talisman.

Welcome to Talisman Bay, where all hell breaks loose on a daily basis, especially when you fall in love.

Book one in the Talisman Bay series.

For twelve years Stephan Rashleigh has lived in the shadows, patrolling the city streets as leader of the Talisman Bay Shadow Walkers. The danger of his world leaves no room for a woman in his life. Until now. It should have been easy–rescue Mariah, then let her go. Except once she’s in his arms, he can’t walk away. Vibrant, breathing life into him, she makes him feel again.

Mariah DeSilva isn’t interested in falling in love, even with the gorgeous hero who rescued her from a brutal attack. When her best friend is kidnapped, she turns to the only man she can trust to help. The more time she spends with Stephan, the less she can hide her growing feelings for him. There’s so much more between them than an explosive romp between the sheets, against the wall and everywhere in between.

As they search for Mariah’s missing friend, a sinister evil is revealed, someone who’s been watching, waiting for Stephan to reveal his greatest vulnerability–falling in love. This enemy will stop at nothing to wipe out the Shadow Walkers and claim Mariah for his own.

Warning, this title contains the following: Bondage and knife play (don’t worry, no one gets hurt). A fantasy ménage scene—two brothers loving one woman, yay! Magical orgasms. Pleasure sparks. Lots of demon killing, lots of cursing while killing demons, and even more sex (without the demons).

EXCERPT: Mariah Meets Stephan
EXCERPT: First Kiss




Oh, and after you run out and buy your copy of Lover’s Talisman, make sure you head on over to our website and enter our contest. There’s just a couple days left to enter, and you don’t want to miss out on all the fantastic prizes we’re giving away.

Crazy Time!

So I’m smack dab in the middle of several things – The biggest thing is that Undercover, my futuristic, menage, erotic romance will be releasing from Berkley Heat December 2. So I’m running toward the street date, trying not to freak that I haven’t done enough, trying not to check my amazon and barnes and noble rankings every three minutes and trying not to fall into the pit of “ONOES! WILL I SELL ANY BOOKS!” But when I get a bit freaked, I can happily check out some of my early reviews and know at least a few people will enjoy Undercover (here are a few because it makes me smile) –

Top Pick from RT Booklovers! Dane has written a sizzling, delicious tale of love lost, found and expanded. The M/F/M triad is as endearing as it is molten hot. The friction between Sera and Ash as they resolve their past is intense, and with Brandt added to the mix, it’s nothing short of explosive. An adrenaline-filled, suspenseful subplot keeps the reader engaged.

Mandy at Fresh Fiction says: UNDERCOVER is a hot, sexy and action-packed piece of writing that will keep you glued to every page wondering what will happen next. A fabulous read!

Chrissy at Romance Junkies gives UNDERCOVER Five Blue Ribbons: Wow! This book rocks! Lauren Dane pulls out all the stops with this soul searing, awe-inspiring read.

Second and third – I’ve got two other books coming out between November 25 and December 23 – Holiday Seduction with Jaci Burton featuring her story Unwrapped and my To Do List coming out in trade paper on November 25 and Sweet Charity, the digital follow up to To Do List, coming out from Samhain on December 23.

Around the periphery of that I’m finishing up Always, a contemporary romance for Samhain, getting ready to start No Reservations, which I’m co-writing with Megan Hart as a follow up to March’s Taking Care of Business and waiting to hear back on several pitches my agent has out. 

Oh and my kids are out of school like every other day and that doesn’t count all the short days they’ve got for conference week and holidays. It’s crazy.

At the same time, every last bit of it is important and wonderful and something I worked hard for and will always remember (well except those half days when I can’t get any work done, LOL).  So things might be busy and crazy but I’m sooo thankful for every book I can write and sell, every time I get a note from a reader or a bookstore who’s enjoyed my writing, for seeing the finished product and knowing I was blessed enough to find a home for it.

So life is busy, yes, but it’s filled with wonderful things and believe you me, I’ll have plenty of things to list next Thursday as we sit around the table and get ready to dig into the turkey (picked it up today so that’s done, yay!).

I hope you’re all having a wonderful autumn filled with blessings big and small. 

PS – Don’t forget to check out my blog from now until December 2! I’m giving away books every single day as well as a pretty nifty grand prize.

To Plot or Not to Plot

I’ve published over forty works from short stories to full-length novels, and I can tell you that dreaming up the next shiny, sparkly story never gets easier. It’s not that I can’t come up with ideas. Ideas come from everywhere. They can start from a snippet of a conversation from my mother, my daughter, the stranger in the booth behind me, a television show that’s playing in the background, or a dream.

For the most part, the snippet inspires a flash of inspiration that starts the question “What if…?” Soon, I’m seeing a scene play in my mind’s eye—usually only the opening of a story. I wake up and turn on the bedside lamp and grab my notebook, or turn down the television and reach for the four-year-old’s Dora coloring book, or raise a finger to stop my companion from speaking for a second and grab the tape recorder in my purse.

I have hundreds of these little teaser scenes in scribbled notes. Most never make it past that light bulb flash because I can’t figure out what comes next. Or the “next” that I see isn’t something anyone’s gonna want to read. But a few do.

Those few get nurtured in my imagination, are given voices that sound off in my head, and don’t stop talking until I finish telling their story.

Most times they lead me by the hand or nag me to death until I reach “The End.” Sometimes, I get to the middle of the book and have a real “WTF?” moment because I’m painted into a corner.

I’m there now with my current work-in-progress. And for the first time since I was a very newbie writer, I’m pulling out the “Writing for Dummies” books to figure out why I’m stuck. I think it’s because I don’t have enough conflict and don’t understand what my character’s real, deep-down goals are. I know I’ll figure it out. I always do—usually when I’m sweating the deadline—but I would love, for once, not to have to depend on adrenaline to feel the plot vibe.

So, be thinking about me today. I’ll be pouring over my plotting spreadsheet (blech!) and filling in the blanks of the things I know and staring at the white space for all things I don’t. Did I mention I hate plotting? That it’s as painful as a root canal to me? My hero and heroine don’t even share the same dimension until a third of the way into the book—do you think that might be the problem? And she’s having a hot affair with a demon for whom I’m feeling more compassion, more horny lust than the hero. *sigh* 

If any of you have any great ideas for finding the missing spark in a romance story (keep in mind it’s a dark, erotic paranormal)—I’m ready to try anything short of being tasered. 🙂

Buy a book…save the world…

What’s this, you say?
It’s a brilliant idea that will solve every problem in the world. Forever…
Well, not really. But if you’re here, chances are you are a reader. Which means going out and buying one book can make a difference.

Found over at Alison Kent’s blog who found it via Editorial Lass.

For anyone who cares about the book publishing industry and wants to do their part, there’s one simple action step:

Buy a book this weekend.

Just buy one.

Buy your sister a book instead of a sweater for her birthday; buy your friend who can’t even make toast or boil water a beginner’s cookbook; buy your company’s receptionist a novel you liked because most people probably ignore him/her (it’s always a her, though, isn’t it?) and you’ll make his/her day.

Buy your holiday gifts now. Instead of a CD for your brother, buy him a book on his favorite recording artist.

Instead of going to the library this one week buy the book you were going to read–it might only be a difference of a couple of bucks in the end. One day this week, make a peanut butter sandwich, skip going out for lunch, and buy a paperback.


It doesn’t matter what. It doesn’t have to be a literary fiction hardcover. If could be a $5.99 mass market nutrition guide, a $4.99 young reader chapter book, a Harlequin romance. Your money will still prevent returns of other books (…) Even if it’s not by your favorite author or your favorite publishing house, your favorites will be indirectly affected.

It doesn’t matter where. Sure, buying at the chains will help against the returns, but you can help out the publisher with your purchase no matter how you get it, even on the internet.

So go find a shiny, pretty new book to buy.  Whether it’s $5 bucks on a new paperback at the local discount store or $25 on a book at the local bookstore, buy a new book.  It might seem weird, but if enough people pick up just one or two new books over the holiday season, it can make one big difference.  And just in case you’d like a recommendation… *G* You could pick up The Missing at any of these fine establishments.




Barnes & Noble