Furry presents

This morning, not too long after I woke up, when I was still suffering from pre-coffee morning brain, I heard my son squealing (he’s only 8, he’s still allowed to squeal) from downstairs. I couldn’t tell if it was a “yay” squeal, or an “I cut off a body part” squeal, so worry-mode kicked in. But before I could get downstairs I heard the loud thumps of my son racing up the stairs. Since he was running, I assumed he wasn’t at death’s door, and I met him at the top of the stairs as he yelled, “Mommy, kitties!”

When my hubby backed out of the driveway this morning to go to work, he was met with a surprising sight in front of his car. Five little kitties, sleeping in a huddle. Hubby’s face was pale white–the first thing he said to me when I made it outside was, “I could have run over them. I had no idea they were there.” The little things were shivering in the cold, so I grabbed a box and one of my son’s old blankets and put the little ones inside to warm up. I know the momma and daddy kitties–they’re wild cats in the neighborhood we leave food out for–but we haven’t been able to capture them to take them in to get fixed. I’d thought I’d be able to leave the kittens in the box on my front porch, but as soon as I came inside, the momma kitty came up and took one of the kitties away–this time back under my car. Since I’m terrified these kittens are going to end up road kill, or coyote food, which happens all too often in my neighborhood (and is what happened to the two kittens this momma kitty had previously), I brought all five kittens into the house, where they’re currently camped out in my bathtub. I bought some catmilk at the grocery store–which all five kittens have sampled–and they seem to be doing okay. Momma kitty just glares at me when I go outside–which makes me feel a little guilty–but better Momma kitty be mad at me but her kittens safe and alive, then the alternative.

So here’s the five new members of my family. My sister’s already claimed one, and I’ll probably keep one, but I’ll be looking for homes for the other three.

Five kitties in a bathtub
Five kitties in a bathtub

Aren’t they adorable? Guess how I’ll be spending my day today? Yup, playing with kitties…

'Tis Nearly Time…

My next book, Leather & Lace releases September 30 in paperback. This is the ever-so-fun western anthology with my friends Melissa Schroeder and Rebecca Goings. My story, Branded, won the 2007 CAPA for Best Erotic Historical. I’m thrilled to pieces to see it in print with my pals’ stories.

Melissa made a wonderful trailer for the book – you can view it on YouTube here. I love the music she chose – makes me think of westerns, and then well, I think about cowboys. šŸ˜‰ If you want to pick up a copy, you can order from Amazon here.

Here’s the official blurbs with a nice review quote for each:

Branded by Beth Williamson:

A clause in his grandfathers will forces Rafe to marry or else lose his ranch. He sets his sights on what he
thinks is a safe choice. His neighbor Emma. But Emmaā€™s anything but safe. They say oil and water
donā€™t mix, but in their case, it does and the result is fire.

ā€œThis fast-paced, sometimes funny, often poignant story was so addictive that it was impossible to put
down.ā€ ā€” The Romance Studio,

High Noon by Rebecca Goings:

When a full-blooded Comanche risks everything for the honor of a white woman the woman he loves its a safe bet thereā€™ll a showdown at high noon. And winner takes all!

ā€œMs. Rebecca Goings has created another book with in-depth characters that literally leapt off the pages of
her novel.ā€ā€” The Romance Studio

The Seduction of Widow McEwan by Melissa Schroeder:

Jamie was once in a loveless marriage, and has no desire to enter into another. Then Seth ties her up in knots of desire literally and she begins to think things could be different. But someoneā€™s out to make sure neither of them ever find happiness.

ā€œThe Seduction of Widow McEwan was a delight to read. From the beginning until the end, I was caught up in the spell-bounding rapture that Melissa Schroeder had createdā€¦.ā€ ā€” Fallen Angel Reviews


TMWD CoverWell, for anyone, like me, who’d been counting the days…it’s here!! TEMPT ME WITH DARKNESS is finally available and I’m thrilled. I hope you’ll give the series a try. Please drop me a line if you do and let me know what you think. I’d love your opinions and predictions on future books.

I wanted to share a few things with you that you may not have seen yet. Recently,Ā I conducted a little interview with Marrok of Cadbury, the hero of TEMPT ME WITH DARKNESS. If you haven’t had a chance to meet him yet…this will tell you what he’s all about: Alpha with a capital A!

Here you go…

SB: Comfy? Cozy? Ready to talk?

MC: You again? Can you not leave me in peace, you infernal woman?

SB: I know youā€™re not interested in being the life of the party.

MC: Or even attending it.

SB: [rolls eyes] Spare me a few moments to discuss some of the major changes in your life. Recently, become involved with a group of wizards.

MC: Not by choice. I had been living these fifteen hundred years in my solitude, wanting naught but a peaceful end. That rapscallion, Bram Rion, knocked upon my door, shared visions of coming danger and evil with me, then dragged me into his magical muck.

SB: Cā€™mon. You havenā€™t entirely disliked the experience. You spent so many years as King Arthurā€™s captain and champion. You canā€™t tell me that a return to the practice and battle fields was unwelcome.

MC: [shrug] I enjoy invigorating exercise as much as the next man. The political intrigue of magickind, however, they can keep. Annoying and demanding, the lot of them.

SB: Youā€™re just being grouchy. Be honestā€¦ After a while, you came to like some of your fellow Doomsday Brethren, Bram included.

MC: Bram does have the cool head of a tactician and the mantle of a leader. He has earned his respect.

SB: You even asked his opinion a time or two. What about the others? I know thereā€™s a fair amount of dissention in the ranks and personal issues to overcome, but certainly some others have earned your trust.

MC: Most are good and dedicated warriors in their own way. Ice and Lucan, in particular. [frowns] I certainly hope Lucan recoversā€¦ Duke is pampered but surprising even me. Caden refuses to stay, and Shock is not a warrior I trust. Things will not be easy for Bram, should he wish to keep this bunch together to defeat an evil like Mathias.

SB: Yes, Mathias is a really bad dude. He makes my skin crawl.

MC: If that is your modern, American way of saying he is evil incarnate, then aye.

SB: Heā€™s been very eager to get his hands on this new woman youā€™ve become involved with.

MC: While there is a breath left in my body, Mathias will never, ever touch Olivia. I keep and protect what is mine.

SB: Heavy words for a lonerā€¦

MC: She is both my mate and the one who can end my immortal curse. Her heart is a tender one. I, who have lived alone and by my sword, have never known her like. She isā€¦special.

SB: What do you mean?

MC: Sheā€™s both taught and helped meā€¦even when I gave her no reasonā€”and she often did so against my will, saucy wench. [smile] Without her, I would know naught of dancing, have no computer to use, would never have seen modern London by air had she not coerced me onto the London Eye. Pretty wench accused me of being claustrophobic. Who likes small, confined spaces?

SB: Doesnā€™t bother me, butā€¦ I hear sheā€™s helped you with another problem.

MC: [scowls] ā€˜Twas naught little about that problem. Aye, she is the first woman whom Iā€™ve bedded and found satisfaction with in centuries. ā€˜Tis certain that Iā€™m keeping her by my side as long as possible.

SB: Any chance what you have with her is permanent?

MC: Nay, soon I will find a way to break my curse. Then I shall find peace in death. For now, she needs me. But Olivia is a woman who will learn to believe in her strength and live well without me.

SB: [arched brow] And maybe even find another man?

MC: [growls] We are done here.

SB: Anything else youā€™d like to say?

MC: Piss off.

Well, touchy subject aside, Marrok is one interesting man, and the woman who tames him is both gentle and assertive enough to keep him guessingā€”and not realizing that his heart is tied up in knots. If you want to know how itā€™s going to end, check out TEMPT ME WITH DARKNESS.

I’ve also got a NEW quote to share that thrilled me to pieces!

ā€œTempt Me With Darkness is a hot, exciting romance filled with intriguing characters and a great storyline. I canā€™t wait for more in this imaginative, sizzling new series!ā€ ~ New York Times Bestselling author Lara Adrian

I’m also going to be chatting tonight at Romance Junkies at 9pm, Eastern. Please come join me. I’d love to see friendly faces!

I hope you’ll join in with me on this new series! Happy reading!

Cascadia Wolves: Fated

The next book set in the Cascadia Wolves universe, FATED, is now available from Samhain Publishing!

Just because Fate brings you your perfect mate doesnā€™t mean itā€™ll be easy.

Cascadia Wolves series

Could there be any worse fate than a road trip from Seattle to L.A.ā€”with oneā€™s motherā€”to attend a wedding? Why yes, when one isnā€™t married yet, like Megan Warden. Toss in a grandmother and a carload of already married sisters and itā€™s a recipe for sneaking sips of ā€œspecialā€ coffee while someone else drives.

Shane Rosario has better things to do than attend a wedding where his fatherā€™s relatives will be at him nonstop about getting married and having children. If it werenā€™t for seeing his anchor bond, Layla, heā€™d have taken a pass on the entire weekend. It would be easy, since heā€™s become adept at hiding who and what he is.

When the two werenā€™t even looking, Fate steps in and before they know it, their bond is sealed. Bonded pair, married in the eyes of their people. Two people tied together in every way. Trouble is, Shaneā€™s not sure he wants all that comes with Megan. And Meganā€™s certain sheā€™s not willing to live outside her pack, pretending to be human.

The distance between them is more than geographical. Itā€™s a widening gulf rapidly filling with resentmentā€¦an emotional divide only acceptance could bridge. Can Shane can accept himself to cross it? Only if they let love take control.

Naughty Type Excerpt after the “read more” Jump!

Continue reading Cascadia Wolves: Fated

Vicious Vixen

Releasing Tuesday, 8/12/08, in ebook from Samhain Publishing.

Heā€™s given one chance at redemptionā€”hers and his.

Hired killer, Vixen Markham doesnā€™t have any illusions about life or love. Unable to trust even the one man she lets into her heart, she makes a decision that sheā€™ll regret for the rest of her lifeā€”which wonā€™t be much longer by the looks of things. Loaded with vengeance and a small arsenal of weapons, sheā€™s ready to face up to her past and say goodbye to her future, until sheā€™s confronted by a pair of eyes she could never forget.

Graeme Mackenzie Lawson lived a hard life. Hard on himself and harder on those who got in his way. Betrayed and murdered, heā€™s given one chance at redemptionā€”but not for himselfā€”for the woman he loved, the woman who killed him.

Can he keep Vixen safe, when she seems determined to lose her lifeā€”and her soul?

Warning: the following contains violence, hot sex and one vicious vixen.

Excerpt below the cut…

Continue reading Vicious Vixen

A week of highs

The last week has been absolutely amazing on so many levels. For those of you who’ve been following Lisa and I on Twitter, you’ve had a sneak peek of what’s happened, who we got to meet at Comic Con, and some of the awesome events that have transpired. Lisa and I plan on talking in more detail about all this wonderful goodness on our website over the next week or so. Lisa’s hard at work organizing all the photos we took at Comic Con, and sizing them for the website. Pics of John Barrowman, Gareth David-Lloyd, Corey Feldman, Neil Patrick Harris and many others. Make sure you keep checking back here. We’ll get the photos up soon.

In the meantime, we have some fantastic news to share. Driven to Distraction, which just came out in paperback earlier this month, has gotten a 4 1/2 star review from Romantic Times magazine. We’ve been really blessed with the reviews we’ve gotten for this book, but I have to admit I’ve been nervous for months waiting to see what RT would say.

4 1/2 stars! “Raine creates a fast-paced tale with lots of action and extremely hot sex. Blaina acts on one speed — and that’s full speed ahead. Jay is a man any woman would want. Raine will make you laugh and cry and touch all of your emotions. Once you start, you won’t want to put this book down.”

Thank you to Jill Brager for the fantastic review!

I celebrated the review by going to my local Barnes & Noble and signing the copies of Driven to Distraction they had on the shelves, then I went and got a scoop of chocolate peanut butter ice cream at Baskin Robbins. Yum!

Don’t forget to enter our contest to win Comic Con goodies. The contest ends Thursday night. We picked up a lot of stuff at Comic Con–I have four bags of stuff sitting in the middle of my office floor–and I’ll be sending a bunch of stuff to whoever wins.

Keep checking www.ashleighraine.com the rest of the week. We’ll be updating often with our Comic Con photos and memories.

Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance

Okay, now I’m gonna say right up front, this book really put my short story skills to the test. When I was asked to write a short vamp story, short as in 6000-8000 words, I was thinking…uh, man…can I do that?

Novellas, I can do. The occasional quickie 12-15k, I can do. But 6000-8000? Not so easy. I managed, though. How well I managed…eh, I’ll leave that up to the readers.

Hunter’s Choice, my story in this collection, as some of you probably guessed is set in the Hunters world.

A short excerpt is below, and I believe the anthology releases in the States in late July or August. FYI, some of you might notice different covers…the book was originally released by a UK publisher so the UK and the US versions have different covers.

Continue reading Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance