Driven to Distraction has released!

Now available!
Driven to Distraction
A Hollywood Heat novel
By Ashleigh Raine

Driven to Distraction cover

Retail price: $5.50

Dodging explosions, crashing cars, jumping off rooftops…and falling in love.

Up-and-coming stuntwoman Blaina Triton stops to help a sexy stranded stranger on the side of the road. Passion ignites hotter than the asphalt beneath their feet and they go back to his place for an anonymous carnal romp. Days later, she arrives on the set of her next feature film only to discover that the man she played out wanton erotic fantasies with is also her boss, Jay Williams. She thinks this job just got a whole lot better, until Jay makes it clear he never mixes business with pleasure.

Jay knows firsthand how distraction can be fatal, but around Blaina, his full, lust-ridden attention strays to her rather than staying on the job. In an effort to regain control, he offers an ultimatum—off set, their relationship is no-naughty-holds-barred, but on set, when they touch, it has to be strictly professional.

Soon their clandestine rendezvous ignite as hot as the movie’s onscreen explosions. As an unstoppable stunt team, they are flawless, until the strain of their secret relationship begins to tear them apart. Jay has to make a decision. Walk away from the woman he loves, or allow himself to be driven to distraction…

Warning, this title contains the following: Jay and Blaina are imaginative in their proclivities. There’s lots of sex in, on and around cars. Sex in public places, sex in a hotel room, masturbation, exhibitionism, oral sex, anal sex, spanking, minor bondage of the tie-me-up-and-have-your-wicked-way-with-me kind and sex with a foreign object.

Read excerpts here

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Magic and Mayhem

Magic and MayhemMAGIC AND MAYHEM
Avon Red
ISBN-13: 9780061473975
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An innovative ebook featuring two intertwined stories:

Magic by Cathryn Fox

When good witch Brianna James writes a sexy, forbidden love spell on her thirty first birthday, on the thirty first day of October during a full moon and conjures up one roguish, bad boy warlock, she has no idea that by using her magic, she’ll experience a passion so deep and so intense it would forever turn her good girl days into bad girl nights.

But…when that spell lands in the wrong hands…be prepared for a little Mayhem…

Mayhem by Sylvia Day

When Abigail Garvey steps into Conjure, the local magic shop, all she’s looking for are a few props to round out her fortune teller Halloween costume. Abby isn’t looking for a love spell that turns her drop-dead gorgeous, but long-oblivious neighbor into an aggressive alpha sex machine. Sure his single-minded pursuit (and follow-through!) is the stuff her wickedest fantasies are made of, but how much of it is the real deal? And how much of it is just a little magical mayhem…?

Two couples. One mischievous spell. All out passion.

Falling in love has never been more fun.

An Avon e-book exclusive. Buy it Now!

Ashleigh Raine has a new website

Check out our new site, full of information about our books, our Tales from Hollywood section, which includes a behind-the-scenes look at the TV shows and movies Lisa (half of the Ashleigh Raine writing team) has been a background actor in–including playing a dead nun on the one hundredth episode of Angel, a recovering nymphomaniac in the movie Domino and a criminal/prisoner in both Desperate Housewives and Jericho. And enter our contest to win a free copy of the first book in our Hollywood Heat series, Acting on Impulse.

Don’t forget, Ashleigh Raine’s newest book, Driven to Distraction, will be hitting digital shelves in two weeks on August 7.

Hope to see you there!

Jen & Lisa
writing as Ashleigh Raine

Driven to Distraction–Only three weeks until release!

Driven to Distraction cover small

Driven to Distraction, the first novel-length outing in our Hollywood Heat series, releases three weeks from today! To celebrate, here’s an excerpt from Driven to Distraction.

This books is intended for a mature audience only.

But first, the blurb:
Dodging explosions, crashing cars, jumping off rooftops…and falling in love.

A Hollywood Heat Novel

Up-and-coming stuntwoman Blaina Triton stops to help a sexy stranded stranger on the side of the road. Passion ignites hotter than the asphalt beneath their feet and they go back to his place for an anonymous carnal romp. Days later, she arrives on the set of her next feature film only to discover that the man she played out wanton erotic fantasies with is also her boss, Jay Williams. She thinks this job just got a whole lot better, until Jay makes it clear he never mixes business with pleasure.

Jay knows firsthand how distraction can be fatal, but around Blaina, his full, lust-ridden attention strays to her rather than staying on the job. In an effort to regain control, he offers an ultimatum—off set, their relationship is no-naughty-holds-barred, but on set, when they touch, it has to be strictly professional.

Soon their clandestine rendezvous ignite as hot as the movie’s onscreen explosions. As an unstoppable stunt team, they are flawless, until the strain of their secret relationship begins to tear them apart. Jay has to make a decision. Walk away from the woman he loves, or allow himself to be driven to distraction…

Warning, this title contains the following: Jay and Blaina are imaginative in their proclivities. There’s lots of sex in, on and around cars. Sex in public places, sex in a hotel room, masturbation, exhibitionism, oral sex, anal sex, spanking, minor bondage of the tie-me-up-and-have-your-wicked-way-with-me kind and sex with a foreign object.

Driven to Distraction by Ashleigh Raine
2007 (c) Copyright Ashleigh Raine
Coming August 7, 2007 from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

Left turn. Right turn. Twist and turn. Left turn. Left turn.

Blaina Triton cruised the streets of Encino, driving to her best friend Sam Clarey’s place for an old-fashioned girls’ night in—pizza, ice cream and gossip. Of course gossip was just a nice way of saying they were going to talk about men and sex.

The traffic light turned green and Blaina made a right onto Burbank Boulevard near Woodley Park. One of the only decent breaks from buildings at the south end of the Valley, it was wide enough to smash the pedal and go like a bat out of hell if there weren’t any cars around.

A sliver of moon chased the sun as warm evening breeze poured through her open window, bringing with it two of her favorite smells, trees and car exhaust. Driving through Encino was the long way to Sam’s house. The very long and much-preferred way. Just Blaina and her yellow ’69 Camaro, the way life should be. Then her cell phone rang.

“Blaine? Please tell me you’re not already on your way over?”

“Yeah, Sam, I’ll be there in maybe twenty, thirty minutes, depending on traffic. You know me, I’m taking the scenic route over the hill. What’s up?”

“You’re gonna hate me,” Sam said hesitantly.

“Oh right. Me hate you. You married the most gorgeous man in Hollywood and I don’t hate you yet. What else could you possibly do that’d actually make me hate you?” Blaina rolled her eyes and laughed. “You canceling on me or something?”

“Well…yeah…” Sam drew out each word then spoke in a rush. “But it’s for a really good reason. Connor’s home. He rearranged his schedule so he could come home a day early and surprise me and—”

“And you’d rather fuck him than hang with me? Duh. I should hope so.” Blaina snickered and shot a glance at the gaudy, neon pink bag on the passenger seat. “Now that Connor’s back home, I guess you won’t need the gift I bought you. Too bad, I’ll just have to add it to my collection.”

“Hey, now. You can’t tell me you bought me a present and then say you’re keeping it for yourself.”

“Pshaw. It’s not like you need it. You are getting laid tonight. I’m going home alone—with your present. A portable penis. Ten inches of glowing green, vibrating pleasure.”

“Only ten inches? Connor’s bigger than that.”

“Shut up and stop bragging.” Blaina chuckled, then saw something that gave her a better buzz than anything plastic ever could.

A dark purple 1970 Barracuda convertible parked on the side of the road, hood up, complete with hard-body owner leaning against the fender just in front of the driver side door. Muscular bronze arms crossed over a white T-shirted chest. Faded blue jeans that looked so well-worn they’d be soft to the touch, showcased his long legs, ending with black, work-booted feet, one crossed over the other. It was like the man had stepped out of her favorite car fantasy, instantly popping the clutch and throwing her libido into high gear.

She tried to tamp her excitement, telling herself that a smart woman would not jump a strange man on the side of the road. But there was no reason she couldn’t offer help. And whatever happened afterward… “I think my night’s gonna be great anyway. Go rock Connor’s world. I’ll catch ya later, Sam.”

Sam laughed. “Okay. Thanks, Blaine. Be good.” Sam’s last words were barely heard as Blaina flipped her phone closed and tossed it onto the passenger seat next to the plastic bag from the sex shop. At a break in the center median, she hooked a U-turn. The Camaro’s tires squeaked as she whipped the car around.

Come to mama, baby. Her nipples tightened in anticipation under her white cotton, ribbed tank top and she squirmed to give her cunt some breathing room in her painted-on, low-rise, dark green camouflage jeans. As she passed on the opposite side of the street, she stole glances at the fine hunk of manflesh, wanting to verify he was real and not a sexual mirage.

Wait a minute. Was he checking her out, too? His dark sun-glassed gaze followed her path as she U-turned again at the next intersection and pulled up behind the Barracuda.

When she stepped out of the car, his gaze locked on her. Even through the sunglasses, she felt his stare searing her body from head to toe—pausing at a few choice places in between—with each of her approaching steps. Or maybe it was the Southern California heat causing her body’s temperature to rise.

Slowly, he peeled himself away from his car and turned his damn fine body toward her, looking relaxed and sexy as he looped one thumb in a pocket. Sweat trickled between her breasts, her temperature jumping another ten degrees. This close, the man was an even tastier roadside attraction. His blond hair was cut short, accentuating his strong cheekbones, a slightly crooked nose and chiseled jaw. One half of his mouth ticked upward in an interested grin as he gave her another slow once over, pausing at her braless chest.

Blaina cocked her head to the side and returned the favor, undressing him with her eyes. Holy moly, if reality was anything like the carnal picture her mind was presenting…

Somehow she managed to choke out through all the accumulating drool, “I’ve got tools. You need a hand?”

“A woman with tools, huh?” His grin shifted into a scowl as he smacked a fist against the roof. “Unless you’ve got a magic wand, a gallon of water and a roll of duct tape there probably isn’t much you can do.”

“I’ve got a gallon of water and a roll of duct tape. I left my magic wand at home, though. Sorry, I don’t need it much. I drive a Chevy.” She winked, then began walking back to her car, adding what she hoped was a mesmerizing, follow-me-back-to-my-car swing to her hips.

He chuckled. “Oh, I see how it is.” The crunch of gravel beneath his boots as he followed had her ready to do cartwheels. Reel him in, Blaina. “You tease me with your tools and then put down my new ride before she’s proven herself? Give me a weekend and I’ll get this here pile of scrap metal to smoke your Chevy like it’s tied to a tree.”

“Oh, please. You gonna slide in a hotter camshaft and switch the gears in her rear-end just so you can have a shot at my machine? I dare ya.” Blaina popped her trunk and grabbed a rag, a jug of water and slid a roll of tape over her wrist. She needed something to keep her hands busy. Her fingers itched to rip the clothing off Mr. Hardbody and explore all of his pieces. “I’d love to see your hotrod pull out ahead of me. But tell me this, what are you gonna do when I squeeze the juice and you find yourself working extra hard and heavy only to eat my dust?” She tossed a saucy grin back over her shoulder.

He leaned a hip against the edge of the trunk next to her and although they weren’t touching, his arresting presence practically sucked the air from her lungs. The steamy twilight air resonated with his intense magnetism, drawing her to him like a moth to a flame…and oh how she wanted to burn. “I guess you’ll have to wait and find out what it’s really like to tangle with my big block Barracuda. Bring it on. I love a good…hot…race.” His words slid down her neck like a heated caress, letting her know she wasn’t the only one who wanted more than just a roadside attraction.

Blaina swallowed hard, suppressing a breathy pant. This man had revved her engine from zero to sixty in less time than it took to say, I want you. Can you please fuck me right here on the trunk of my car?

Visions of that fuck filled her mind, the full length of him driving hard into her, the feel of his breath ragged and hot against her skin. Her body tightened with unspent desire and she swallowed a moan. This was the fastest her body had ever shifted into overdrive.

Damn, girl, come to your senses. You’ve spent less than five minutes with this man and you want him to check your oil?

She stood up quickly, trying to clear the lingering sexual fantasies before her nipples drilled holes through her tank top. The jug of water she’d clenched so tightly hit the edge of the trunk and bounced out of her grip, landing inches from her feet.

“Whoa. You okay?” He lunged downward, but she’d already leaned over to retrieve the jug. She took that moment to push all thoughts of sex with him out of her mind, before she ended up dropping something much heavier and more painful on her foot. Calm…cool…collected…c’mon, Blaina…

But when she lifted her head, his lips were only inches from hers and that ragged breath she’d been fantasizing about only moments earlier washed over her face in a feverish caress.

“Yeah…I’m f-fine.” You’re incredibly fine, actually. I need to pour this water over myself to try to cool off at least a tiny little bit or I really will jump you on the trunk of my car, passing motorists be damned. “S-So, did you overheat?”

His tempting lips curled up in a suggestive smile.

“I-I mean, your car.”

“Radiator hose.” A car part had never sounded so sexy before. His voice had dropped, becoming a deep husky growl, more sex beast than mechanic.

His gaze stayed riveted on her for a second longer than necessary, before he turned and headed over to his engine compartment.

And talk about a fine rear view. Wow. Blaina followed, staring at his firm, tight ass while taking deep, calming breaths to decelerate her heart back to normal cruising speed.

She set down the jug of water—carefully this time—and laid the duct tape on the front fender.

“Big block engines… They get real hot, don’t they?” She tilted her face toward him, and lowered her voice provocatively. “Ever let a woman caress your big hose?” Blaina gave him her naughtiest smile, but at his snorted reply, she erupted into laughter.

He shook his head. “Honestly, I never imagined a woman would want to caress a hose as big as the one I’ve got.” His grin turned positively feral as he moved in behind her, so close the heat of his body cradled hers, and whispered into her ear. “Careful, it’s very…hot.” He drew out the last word and Blaina shivered at the sensual intensity in his tone.

Using the rag, she placed her fingers around the radiator hose and began stroking up its length. She’d only traveled three inches when he grasped her hand, trapping it between the heat of the hose and his skin. A current of electricity shot from where he touched her to every erogenous zone in her body. If she hadn’t known better, she would have thought she’d gotten crossed up with a spark plug wire while the engine was at full throttle.

His hands were large and work-roughened, the kind that could rebuild a carburetor and undress a woman with equal care, and oh God how she wanted to experience him doing both.

“I’ll take over from here,” he rumbled, working the rag and her hand up the hose’s length. His arm grazed hers, the coarse hairs causing goose bumps to rise on her flesh.

Blaina closed her eyes, letting him manipulate her hand and her senses. Fixing a car had never been this erotic before. If they were to fuck, would he show her how he liked to be stroked? It wasn’t hard to imagine pumping his thick, hard cock, taking the large, round head into her mouth and working him until he came.

Oh hell, she almost came at that image. Her pussy flooded with moisture, her stomach clenching with deep-seated longing. It was everything she could do not to rub up against him, throw him down and shift his gears like he kept shifting hers.

Fuck it. If he hadn’t figured out by now that she wanted him, she might as well make it more obvious. But as she leaned back to feel his rock-hard chest, he leaned in, giving her an added bonus of washboard abs pressed to her rib cage. Her ass grazed the large bulge in his pants, but it was enough to send sharp ripples of longing to her core. His entire body strung tight and a sharp breath hissed between his lips.

A gurgling sound called her attention back to the car. As if on cue, some water dribbled out of the break in the hose, sizzling as it hit the water pump. But neither one of them laughed. Heat seared her body from every direction. The car was hot, this man was hot, the ground was hot, her pussy was hot…everything was scorching hot.

Needing an escape before she completely lost control, threw him down and fucked him on the side of the road for all to see, Blaina slid her hand out from under his and stepped away. For a moment he watched her, his hand fisted at his side, his breathing as sharp as hers, before finally returning to his work.

She walked a few feet, trying to catch a breeze, something, anything to cool the raging fire burning through her. The asphalt ignored her plea, the heat of the day still rising off it.

He glanced back at her. “You rescue guys like this all the time?”

She shook her head.

“Well, I guess it’s just my lucky day then. And to think I was pissed off about breaking down one lousy mile from home.”

Damn she wanted him, more than she could remember wanting any other man. So what next? Was she supposed to climb back into her car and let Mr. Hardbody drive away? Buh-bye. It’s been fun.

That would be a serious crime against humanity. Or at least against her dismally boring social calendar.

She moved to face him, just as he stood up. He gestured toward his car. “Can you start her up so I can fill the radiator?”

Blaina nodded, not sure that if she opened her mouth to reply, anything but “Please fuck me” would come out.

Before her wits left her for good and she ended up on her knees supplicating, she reached through his open window, turned the key and the engine chugged to life. Pulling back out of the car, she caught him watching her before he leaned over and began pouring the water in. He’d been checking out her ass. That was it. She was not spending this evening alone.

Decision made, she walked around the front of the car.

He looked up at her approach. “You got anywhere you need to be?”

“I’m following you home to make sure you get there okay.”

He nodded. “Let’s go.”

Hunter's Salvation…Now Out

We’re excited to announce, Hunter’s Salvation by Shiloh Walker is Available at your favorite bookstore or online!
hunters-salvation.jpg Hunter’s Salvation by Shiloh Walker
ISBN: 0425216322
ISBN-13: 9780425216323
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In this dazzling sequel to the bestselling novel Hunting the Hunter, Shiloh Walker returns to tell the story of another unique hero at the heart of a strange new world.

Vax was once committed to his life as a Hunter, tracking down the evil beings who prey on humans, but he opted out of the game long ago. Until now–because somebody, somewhere, is in danger. And, despite his best efforts, Vax can’t ignore his calling.

Jess Warren is determined to find the maniac who killed her sister. A gifted psychic and telekinetic, she will do anything to exact her vengeance. Even if it means putting herself in peril…

Jess would rather not accept Vax’s help–especially since letting him have his way could draw her deeper into his irresistibly sensuous realm. But then he saves her life–and they discover that the depraved madman they’ve been looking for is much closer than either of them could have imagined…
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Perfect Kisses

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From New York Times bestselling author Susan Johnson and Sylvia Day and Noelle Mack come three sizzling stories about the art of seduction…


by Susan Johnson

James Bell, Viscount Ormond, is a shameless rake, infamous for his skills in seduction–and Claire Russell doesn’t intend for her sister to become his latest conquest. That is why she’s come to the viscount’s private masked ball. The flagrant sensuality and unabashed decadence on display there are shocking, but they are nothing compared to the scandalous fire Claire feels when James makes a wholly improper suggestion…improper, indecent, and very, very tempting…

by Sylvia Day

Justin, the Marquess of Fontaine, and Lady Sophie Milton-Riley have no desire to marry. To satisfy their mothers’ insistence that they would be quite right together, they set out to demonstrate how completely ill-suited they are for one another. Justin is allergic to her perfume. Sophie dislikes his dogs. He prefers blondes; she, brunette men. But the more they seek to prove how wrong their union would be, the more right things feel. And when opposites attract, there’s no denying the sparks or the heat…

by Noelle Mack

Susannah Fowler is in possession of many temptations–an independent nature, a quick wit, and lush curves. She is also in possession of a fortune in stolen jewels hidden within her favorite corset. If rakehell Carlyle Jameson wants it, he will have to remove it himself. From her boudoir…or from her body. One kiss ought to distract her, but one kiss leads to another and another, till there’s no turning back…and no desire to try…

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Susanna's Seduction is now available!

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to announce that Susanna’s Seduction is available. You should be able to purchase your copy at SamhainSusanna's Seduction

Susan Brennon never expected that running an errand for her future sister-in-law would land her a spur-of-the-moment date.  When Michael leads her down a sensual path of seduction, she takes on the sexy Italian full-throttle, all the while keeping her heart under tight guard.  Every person she’s formed a close attachment to has moved on.  She doesn’t expect Michael to be any different.

From the moment he touches Susan, Michael Piccoli wants her. But as their relationship grows more physical, he finds that for the first time in his life he desires more than sex from a woman—he wants the whole package with Susanna.  Michael’s determined to break through the rigid hold Susanna has on her emotions. He’ll do anything to reach her, even if that means taking their relationship to a whole new level.

My readers often ask how I came up with a story idea, so I thought I’d post where my idea for Susanna’s Seduction came from.  Five years ago I originally wrote a short 1,400 word story targeting a national magazine that publishes short romantic fiction.  The story didn’t sell to that publisher and it sat on my hard drive for a few years.  I often share short stories with my Yahoo group members and one day I shared that short story with them.  I had so many readers asking, “Where is the rest of the story?”  Which I replied, “Um, that’s it. It’s a short story.”  Many of my readers said they wanted to know what happens and well…that’s why I wrote Susanna’s Seduction.  I guess you could say lots more experience and my readers inspired me to keep going. 😀

I hope everyone enjoys Michael and Susanna’s story!

Breaking News from Talisman Bay!

The Talisman Bay series is continuing on! Book three, Eternal Talisman, will be released from Samhain Publishing in 2008. This is a dream come true for Lisa and Jennifer (both halves of Ashleigh Raine). Talisman Bay is our home away from home, and we can’t wait to keep bringing you more Talisman Bay stories.

Along with the first new book in the Talisman Bay series in several years, Samhain Publishing will be releasing shining, spanking-new editions (revised and re-edited with pretty new covers) of the first two books in the series, Lover’s Talisman and Forsaken Talisman. As some of you may have noticed, these books are no longer available from our former publisher. These titles will be available again from Samhain Publishing in the months prior to the release of Eternal Talisman.

Thank you to all the readers who have emailed us, lovingly harassed us and begged us to keep this series alive. We love the Shadow Walkers, and we love you for all your support.

And don’t forget, Driven to Distraction releases from Samhain Publishing  in just over two months. Driven to Distraction is the first novel in our Hollywood Heat series, which mixes our love of Hollywood and happy endings.

Within the next month, a brand-new will be going live.  We’ve gotten a sneak peek at the new site, and it’s gorgeous!
We look forward to chatting with all of you more often and sharing excerpts and sneak peeks with you of our upcoming titles.  It’s great to be back!


Jennifer & Lisa
Writing as Ashleigh Raine

Passion for the Game – May 29

Passion for the GameKensington Brava
ISBN: 0-7582-1759-5
ISBN-13: 978-0758217592

RT Top Pick“Day pulls out all the stops, juggling sizzling romance with high suspense and intrigue. The tangled threads of her plot are intricately woven with strands of in-depth characterization. Not only does Day titillate readers, she grabs them with a strong story and doesn’t let go.”
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For the notorious Lady Winter, seduction and duplicity are required to survive.
Cunning and precision are the tools of pirate Christopher St. John.
Pitted against one another, they are a surprise waiting to happen…


Christopher St. John and Maria, Lady Winter are infamous in Society for their misdeeds and their charming allures. Wherever they go, scandalized whispers and covetous glances follow. A ruthless pirate and a widow whose two husbands have met untimely deaths, the wickedly renowned figures are even more intriguing to the authorities. Now they’ve been set on the most provocative of tasks—St. John is released from prison to learn the “Wintry Widow’s” intimate secrets, while Lady Winter is charged with performing a similar deception in reverse. One will succeed. One will hang.


With the fate of loved ones in the balance, the unlikely couple embarks upon a battle of wills and wits that takes them from glittering ballrooms to the depths of the underworld to the candlelit pleasures of the bedroom. As they fall helpless to a desire and startling affinity neither expected, the deadly web of their subterfuge closes in, forcing them to make a choice. Individual freedom? Or an audacious scheme to keep an impossible yet irresistible love…

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One Night With You…New Release


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He was hungry, all right but food was the last thing on his mind. Well, maybe not the complete last thing. He could picture up some very worthwhile fantasies involving the crème brulee and Bo’s mouth.

Watching her eat the rich dessert had him as hard as if she had reached over and wrapped her hand around his cock. Of course, just watching Bo do anything did that. She could be sitting at a table doing yearly taxes and he’d be hard. But the look in her eyes when she had taken that first bite…her lashes had fluttered closed and she had moaned like a woman on the brink of climax.

That thought only made his problem worse. He was dying to get her out of here, get her someplace where he could see how she really sounded when she came. Get her someplace quiet so he could strip that red silk away and touch her… And if he kept thinking like that, he was going to be stuck in this chair for a while.

He had plans for the rest of the night and they didn’t include sitting here waiting for a hard-on to subside.

Another soft hmmmmm of pleasure escaped Bo’s lips and Logan’s control snapped. He reached for his wallet and dug out a couple of bills. The waiter saw him and started in his direction but Logan had no desire to wait for him. Bo looked up at him as he stood over her chair. The fork was still between her lips. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear she was doing it on purpose when she slowly slid it out, taking time to lick it clean. She glanced down at the dessert in front of her and said, “I’m not done.”

“Too bad. The way you are with sweets, you’d lick the bowl clean if I let you,” Logan growled. He pulled the chair back and held out a hand. When she stood, he pulled her up against him and slid an arm around her waist. Their gazes met and held as he lowered his mouth.

She tasted of the rich, decadent dessert, wine and heat. Sheer, unadulterated heat. Desire and hesitation, curiosity and want—there were a million contradictions in her kiss and it was enough to drive him mad. Control snapped. He could feel it, all but hear it in the little cracking noises as she leaned into him. One fisted hand lay against his chest, clutching the lapel of his suit. Through the layers of clothing, he felt the warm weight of her breasts, the soft little curve of her belly—


Logan tore his mouth away from hers and looked at the waiter. “Shit,” he muttered.

Bo’s spiky black lashes lifted, revealing smoky gray eyes fogged with desire. She moaned a little and leaned toward him again for just a second. Then it was like she realized where they were. She blushed, the soft pink flush starting at the low neckline of her dress and spreading upward to her face.

Without saying a word, Logan took her hand and led her out of the restaurant. Home hadn’t ever seemed so far away.