Life’s all kinds of fun in at Duncan High. We have a Senior in high school, which means making college plans and all the other things that go along with senior year.
To top that off, we’ve taken things to a drastic turn to get the youngest away from a situation where she was being bullied. She now does virtual school from home, which is interesting and challenging. On the upside, she’s happier than we’ve seen her in years.
Tomorrow kicks off a new adventure. Everyone who knows me knows about my “love for road trips”. Well, it’s time for another one. This time, I’m heading 10 hours South to pick up my dad and move him here. Yep. The time has come for us to be able to keep an eye on him.
All of these things come with their own challenges and excitements and stresses. Tell me. How do you handle the challenges and stresses in your life? What do you do to recharge?
A whole bunch of the AM authors are hitting Kansas City next week…come see us at the mega booksigning on Saturday!
The signing takes place during the RT Convention in Kansas City. Check out the site to see which other authors are going to be there, and to learn more. The signing is on Saturday, May 4th, 2013 from 11am – 2pm at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo.
The AM authors attending:
Shiloh Walker
Sylvia Day
Jules Bennett
Mary Wine.
HelenKay Dimon
Shayla Black
Beth Williamson
Nikki Duncan
Delilah Devlin
Rhyannon Byrd
The mega booksigning is open to the public. There is a $5 fee to get inside and then you get to go crazy and meet and greet like mad. If you live in or around the area, we’d love to see you!
So this July, The Missing is being reissued into mass market. I’m gearing up for promo stuff for that and the awesome Book Vixen is going a blog tour. If you’re a book blogger and haven’t read it, you can get in on the blog tour-head on over to her site to get entered in the lottery.
As a teenager, Taige Branch was able to do things with her psychic gift that others couldn’t understand – except for Cullen Morgan, the boy who stole her heart. He did his best to accept her abilities, until his mother was brutally murdered – and he couldn’t forgive Taige for not preventing her death.
Now a widowed father, Cullen Morgan has never forgotten Taige. but what brings her back into his life is another tragic event. His beloved little girl has been kidnapped, and Taige is his only hope of finding her.
Working together against the clock, Cullen and Taige can’t help but wonder whether – if the find his daughter in time – it isn’t too late for the overpowering love that still burns between them…
If you’re one of my bloggers that I’ve contacted about reviewing The Missing, I’ll be in touch soon. There will not be any ARCs for this book… sorry!
You all have probably noticed there have been some contests geared toward new releases this year and yes, there will be one for The Missing… just not sure what yet. O_O Probably along the same lines as the last couple of contests, but we shall see.
Here’s one last, little excerpt from Hunter’s Need, and I’ve gotta admit…it’s one of my favorite scenes.
“I gave you your answer, Ana. Can’t you answer mine?”
I love you. She wanted to tell him, wanted to throw her arms around his neck and tell him, over and over. But she held back. This wasn’t right. Wasn’t good, not for him. Even back when she let herself daydream about having Duke in her life, she’d known it wasn’t right. Duke deserved better than her. He deserved so much more.
“This isn’t good for you.” She blurted the words out before she lost her nerve. Pulling away from him, she jerked her shirt back up but her hands shook too much to button it. Instead, she just held it closed between her breasts. “This is bad for you. I’m bad for you. You’ve got to know that. Even if you…even if you think you feel how you’re saying, you have to know I’m bad for you. I’m not the kind of woman you need in your life, Duke. I’m not strong enough. You need somebody strong. Somebody more like you—”
Duke reached out and hooked his hand in the front of her jeans, gently. She resisted. He jerked harder and she crashed into his chest with a startled, “Ooommph.”
“I know what I need,” he growled. When she would have argued, he covered her lips with his finger. “I know what I want, what I need. And it’s you, Ana. If I wanted somebody like me, I would have gone chasing after Kendall or half a dozen other women that I’ve met. I didn’t go after them, because I was too hung up on you and I have been, from the first damn time I laid eyes on you. I love you. I want you. I need you.”
He cut her words off with a hard, short kiss. “Don’t want to hear it,” he snarled. “I love you. You don’t get the right to tell me what I need, or what I deserve. That’s my call, princess. Now give me an answer—do you love me?”
If you’ve enjoyed the snippets, I hope you’ll pick it up…either at your local indie store, local bookstore… wherever. :o)
One of my novellas, DJINN’S WISH, was originally written from an anthology, A WISH, A KISS, A DREAM with my friends, Lora Leigh and Mary Wine.
A Wish, A Kiss, A Dream
The anthology, released in both ebook and print, was the only way to get the story.
In a few weeks… DJINN’S WISH will be released from Ellora’s Cave as a standalone. The stories written by Mary and Lora will also be released individually as well.
When a book is released in one form, and then released later on, (like novellas being placed with different novellas/a book given a new cover/etc), they tend to call it repackaging.
So would this be unpackaging…?
Djinn's Wish
If you’d like to read an excerpt, you can do so here.
Also wanted to let you know about a contest I’m running through my personal blog through the end of the month. We’re counting down to the release of Hunter’s Need, releasing in mass market paperback on 12/1.
30 Day Giveaway
Other rambling news…finished up the second book in the Grimm’s Circle series. Grimm’s Circle is a little bit paranormal, a little bit urban fantasy, a little bit erotic romance, and a lot of fun, so far. The first book, CANDY HOUSES, released in October and the second book, NO PRINCE CHARMING, will be out in January from Samhain Publishing.
No Prince Charming
I’ll be out signing several places in December, so if you’re able to get to one of the signings, I’d love to meet you!
The release of my first New York book, The Education of Madeline, on February 24th was more than just a blip on the radar. It was really the culmination of my education too.
You see, I have been published since 2004 with small print and e-pubs, an amazing experience that taught me how to be a better writer. Without my editor at Samhain, Sasha Knight, I would not be published with New York. I truly believe that y’all. She made me into a better writer and for that I will be eternally in her debt.
Last May when I signed with Kensington, it was like reaching the top of the mountain, breathless and sweaty with your muscles screaming. Then shouting “YES!!!!” at the top of your lungs and hearing it echo.
Then of course, I had to climb down the mountain. LOL. I had to learn everything I didn’t know about the business of publishing. My agent, Laura, and the funny, talented Kate Duffy, my editor at Kensington, gave me what I needed to step forward and be a writer as a career.
It’s not going to happen tomorrow, or even next month, but it will happen. I’m learning things every day about publishing, writing and the business of being a novelist. Each kernel of information is being tucked away, like I’m a chipmunk preparing for winter, and eventually I will feast. I promise. 🙂
If you like sexy cowboys, strong women, and lotsa hot, smokin’ sex, pick up a copy of The Education of Madeline. You won’t be disappointed. 😉
I’ll be signing copies at the Barnes & Noble at Tidewater Community College, 300 Monticello Ave. Level 2, Norfolk, VA 23510 on March 14 at 1 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Well, I’m getting closer to being done on updating the website and I figure since it was my idea to use the blog for updates, I probably oughta do something with it. So here it is!
Double the paranormal erotic romance-two all-new stories from a fan favorite.
From Shiloh Walker’s hot Hunter series come two new stories…
In the shades of night, when the evil are free to seduce the weak and indulge their desires, there are still those who will fight to the death for the innocent. They are The Hunters. They are at the heart of a sensuous and strange new world…
Two men. Two women. Paranormal warriors and eternal lovers who keep the undead in line by destroying those who have gone rogue. They serve as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. They are as merciless as their prey. And they are its soul.
But in this strange enclave of midnight retribution, some discover a hunger they’d never imagined, a love that crosses unnatural boundaries, and a blood reckoning with a damnable past that could save the Hunters or destroy them.
And I’ve got a signing this coming weekend. Details for that…
It’s this Saturday, April 14th and then I’m done until June.
April 14, Saturday, 2-4 PM
The Bookstore
301 W Lincoln Trail Blvd
Radcliff, KY 40160
After this one, I’m done until Lori Foster’s Reader Weekend in June. Which is good because I’m so very very close to being done on my current WIP.